The Earth is not flat, and the sun doesn’t go round it. Scientific history has been wrong on many occasions. But which of these common misconceptions do you hold?
The daddy long legs is one of the most poisonous spiders in the world but its fangs are too small to inject the poison into you
This is false. The daddy long legs, or ‘harvestman’ spider does not even have venom glands, let alone fangs with which to bite you. They are completely harmless to humans. Flies, however…
The only man-made object you can see from the moon is the Great Wall of China
This rumour began around the time of the first Apollo mission, but unfortunately it is untrue. The Great Wall of China, although long, is only around 10 ft wide. If you could see the Great Wall from space, you’d also be able to see the M25!
Lemmings throw themselves off cliffs
Nope. The Disney film ‘White Wilderness’ started this myth around 60 years ago, but it is untrue. The lemmings in the film were pushed off the cliff by the production crew, who were attempting to show the colony migrating.
The ‘theory’ of evolution is not a fact
An extremely common misconception. Although ‘theory’ may mean ‘educated guess’ in everyday language, in scientific terms it means something which has been rigorously tested and confirmed by experiments to be true. Evolution is a scientific theory just like gravity, or relativity – it’s not just Darwin’s opinion on how humankind came about.
Hair and fingernails keep growing for two days after you die
This gruesome idea is far too weird to be true. In fact, your skin contracts slightly after you die, exposing more of your hair and fingernails at the roots.
There is no gravity in space
Everywhere in the universe has gravity, no matter how far away from a planet or star. Astronauts appear to be floating, but are actually falling – they are pulled by gravity because they are in orbit around a planet.
Your shout!
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