Thursday, January 13, 2011

Real Ghostbusters

Respected physicists are turning their scientific minds to measuring the paranormal and other bizarre phenomena. Read on to see what they’ve discovered so far.



coin_toss How to win a coin toss

In an experiment using a random event generator (REG), scientists from Princeton university in the US put the ‘mind over matter’ theory to the test.

The REG works similarly to flipping a coin so that if left alone it should flip as many heads as tails. However, scientists found that volunteers were able to sway the results seemingly by the power of their mind.

In fact, people as far away as Hungary and Brazil were able to influence the results of the REG. They’ve yet to find out why this happened but stronger emotions seemed to increase the effect. So next time you flip a coin you know what to do…




babychick Chicks have powers too

A test involving a robot known as the Tychoscope and a group of chicks found some very interesting results.

The Tychoscope is a little robot programmed to randomly wander around a room. But when a cage of chicks was brought into the room, scientists found the robot’s behavior changed dramatically.

Rather than randomly maneuvering around the room, the robot spent more time with the chicks. Scientists suspect the chicks may have willed the robot to stay close.

For some of the chicks, the robot was the first thing they saw after they hatched so may have developed a parental bond with the robot.


  • The ones who had already read the book “The Holographic Universe” by Michael Talbot, surely think these experiments can be true.
    The Holographic Universe

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